Year 1 Home Learning Activities
Year 1 Tasks
Year 1 Work Pack - Home Learning and Guidance
Year 1 Work Pack - Practical Activities
Online Lessons
The BBC have created some fantastic lessons full of videos, quizzes and practice activities to help you keep on track when learning at home. Pick your year and subject to get started!
Interactive Phonics Games
Access the website below to see how many books you can read. Keep a list of all the books you have read. Also, don’t forget to enjoy listening to some stories online.
Continue reading books and recording in your reading record. Read a few pages a day or even challenge yourself to a book a day!
Daily Count Challenge
Can you count in 1s to 100 forwards and backwards, multiples of 2, multiples of 5, multiples of 10 everyday?
If you need an extra challenge, chant your doubles and halves to 20 and your number bonds to 10 and 100.
Interactive Maths Games
It is important to keep active! Joe Wicks has a range of 5 minute workouts for children to follow. Go noodle is also a fun and interactive way to get children moving!