Science Recovery Curriculum
As part of the planning for the full return to school, the Science Curriculum has been planned carefully with consideration to the gaps in the learning from previous year groups. The information set out below, provides the details of the planning and preparation for the new Science interim curriculum for autumn and spring term.
- Objectives that have not yet been covered from previous year groups have formed the new curriculum overview sheets, which will be used to plan and teach from.
- Science units have been organised to match the new topic titles. This will enable more learning to be linked and ensure all objectives are taught.
- Where possible, objectives have been condensed to allow for vital progression.
Catch up Curriculum
- During weeks 1-6, children will be taught a catch up curriculum for Science. When Science is taught, children will be taught objectives from their previous year group.
- Catch up lessons will take place every week. Science catch up lessons need to be a minimum of 1 hour.
- Where possible, written investigations should be completed for each of the catch up units.
- At the end of week 6, children will complete the end of unit assessment based on the topic from the previous year group.
- Any areas of learning that are not secure will be recapped during the 10-minute revisit section of a science lesson.
Current Year Group Curriculum
- During Week 7, children will be taught their current year group Science objectives during a school wide curriculum week.
- The afternoons will be solely dedicated to the teaching of science. These lessons will take place across every afternoon.
- At least, one written investigation will be complete every half term. Scientific enquiry will also be evidenced through practical work.
- At the end of the project week, children will complete the end of unit assessment based on the current year group topic.
- Any areas of learning that are not secure will be recapped during the 10-minute revisit section of a science lesson.