Stranton Primary School

Stranton Primary School
Only the best is good enough

Stranton's Uniform expectations

At Stranton Primary school, we believe that wearing a uniform fosters feelings of community spirit and pride for our children, promotes a sense of belonging and contributes to a positive learning environment.

Uniform Expectations 

Our uniform consists of the following: 

  • Royal blue sweater/cardigan
  • Red polo t-shirt
  • Grey/black trousers/skirt (not leggings)
  • Black shoes (not trainers or black trainers)
  • Children will need a book bag to bring to school each day and they will also need a water bottle to keep in class.

PE Kit Expectations

PE kit consists of the following:

  • Navy or black shorts
  • A royal blue plain t-shirt (can be bought off Amazon)
  • Black plimsolls or trainers (for indoor use only)
  • Children will need a small bag to store their PE kit in school. 

Swimming is also a compulsory part of the National Curriculum for all children in Key Stage 2 so please ensure that your child comes into school with their full swimming kit. This includes:

  • A swimsuit (not bikini)/ swimming trunks (not shorts)
  • Swimming hat
  • A towel.

If children would like to wear goggles, a note must be provided by parents.

For health and safety reasons, it is essential that your child is appropriately equipped for them to participate in PE/swimming lessons.

 Purchasing Uniform

All items of school uniform, can be purchased from Asda/Tesco and royal blue PE t-shirts can be purchased from Amazon. If you would like your child’s uniform personalised with the school logo, this can be done at Personaleyez on York Road. Alternatively, re-loved uniform is available in Greenbank, Waldon Street.

 Uniform Policy 

If children do not come into school wearing full uniform or without their PE kit, parents will be contacted and asked to drop off the correct items of clothing. 

If there is a reason behind your child not having the correct uniform/PE kit, please inform school and aim to rectify this as quickly as possible.

Please help us to maintain our high expectations and teach the children the value of wearing a uniform to increase their pride and confidence in their own appearance.