Stranton Primary School

Stranton Primary School
Only the best is good enough

Stranton's Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Curriculum

At Stranton Primary School we recognise that the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of students plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education (SMSC) is delivered in all curriculum areas and in every aspect of school life. 

SMSC Education is broadly split into four areas: 

Spiritual: exploring beliefs and experiences; respecting values; discovering oneself and the surrounding world; using imagination and creativity; reflection. This is developed by:

  • Giving pupils the opportunity to explore values and beliefs, including religious beliefs and the way in which they impact on people’s lives. This is done, for example, through assemblies, personal education, circle time and history.
  • Stranton follows the Hartlepool RE syllabus, which includes Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Christianity.
  • Christians festivals such as Easter, Christmas and Harvest are celebrated each year in class and at a whole school celebration.
  • National events such as Remembrance day is respected and valued each year in a whole school assembly.
  • Developing a climate, or ethos, within which all pupils can grow and flourish, respect others and be respected; for example; school council; celebration assemblies and class assemblies.

Moral: recognising right and wrong; understanding consequences; investigating moral and ethical issues; offering reasoned views. This is developed by:

  • Providing a clear moral code for behaviour, which is promoted consistently through all aspects of the school.
  • Reinforcing the school’s values and vision and positive reinforcement of the school's golden rules.
  • SEAL and PSHE curriculum including drug education and sex and relationships.
  • Promoting racial, religious and other forms of equality.
  • Giving pupils opportunities to explore and develop moral concepts and values throughout the curriculum; for example, truth, justice, equality of opportunity, right and wrong.
  • Developing an open and safe learning environment in which pupils can express their views and practice moral decision making.
  • Rewarding expressions of moral insights and good behaviour through celebration assembly and school reward systems.
  • Modeling through the quality of relationships and interactions the principles we wish to promote; for example, fairness, integrity, respect for persons, pupil welfare, respect for minority interests, resolution of conflict keeping promises and contracts.
  • Recognising and respecting different cultural groups represented in the school and the wider community through the celebration of religious festivals in RE and history.
  • Encouraging children to take responsibility for their actions; for example, respect for property, care of the environment and code of behaviour.

Social: using social skills in different contexts; working well with others; resolving conflicts; understanding how communities work. This is supported by:

  • Fostering a sense of community with common, inclusive values through assemblies, homes-school agreement; ‘Friends of Stranton’ events, involvement with community arts projects; partnership with local churches & mosque, parent workshops.
  • Raising money for charities; such as Children in Need, Sport Relief, Downs Syndrome Day, Hartlepool Hospice and the Royal British Legion.
  • Promoting racial, religious and other forms of equality.
  • Encouraging children to work co-operatively and in teams, particularly in school groups such as  Eco school and School Council.
  • Encouraging children to recognise and respect social differences and similarities; for example, where they live, different kinds of family models, age issues within lessons.
  • Providing positive corporate experiences; for example, special curriculum events, productions, and School Council.
  • Helping pupils develop personal qualities, which are valued in society, for example, thoughtfulness, honesty, respect for differences, moral principles, independence, inter-dependence, and self-respect.
  • Providing opportunities to participate in the democratic process and participate in making community decisions (School Council).
  • Providing children with opportunities to exercise leadership and responsibility through School Council, Eco Club, lunchtime helpers, playground buddies, groups leaders in class.

Cultural: appreciating cultural influences; participating in cultural opportunities; understanding, accepting, respecting and celebrating diversity. This is supported by:

  • Providing children with opportunities to explore their own cultural assumptions and values.
  • Celebrating the attitudes, values and traditions of diverse cultures across the curriculum.
  • Developing partnerships with outside agencies and individuals to extend pupil’s cultural awareness.
  • Reinforcing the school’s cultural values through the website and social media platforms.

In addition to the above, we promote the SMSC development of our students through:

  • the provision of a broad, balanced and knowledge rich curriculum. Within this, teachers strive to promote opportunities whereby students are encouraged to engage with the wider world, and consider and question their place within it,
  • a varied assembly programme through which teachers and visitors discuss topics that help students reflect upon themes that are important in the wider world today as well as addressing local, national and global current affairs
  • an extensive extra-curricular programme that includes sporting, academic, musical and cultural opportunities, 
  • specialist bespoke programmes that cater for the needs of our most vulnerable pupils.