Rights Respecting School
At Stranton Primary School we are a UNICEF Rights Respecting School and at the heart of our ethos are the values of the Convention on the Rights of a Child.
The Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA) is an initiative run by UNICEF UK, which encourages schools to place the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of its ethos and curriculum. This means that we teach children about their rights according to the United Nations Convention.
Here at Stranton Primary School, we achieved the 'Recognition of Commitment (ROC)' award in February 2018. This is the first stage of the Rights Respecting Award, which we achieved by showing our commitment and our intentions of becoming a Rights Respecting School. Since then, we have been working extremely hard to ensure we have built a 'rights respecting environment'.
In February 2019, we were awarded the Silver: Rights Aware logo in the second stage of the ‘Unicef Rights Respecting Schools Award' - one step closer to the Gold Award! We have been working hard to promote the values and principles of the 'United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child' and using it to underpin our vision for school improvement. We have been developing this approach to build upon our values-based learning, continue positive cultural development and create an even better atmosphere where everyone in the school is respectful of each other. The Rights Respecting steering group is made up of different members of staff and the School Council Rights Respecting Rangers.
Rights Respecting Steering Group
Mrs. Grant – Head of school
Mrs. Yildirim – RRS Lead / PSHE Lead / Early Years Lead
Mrs. Wilson – Well-being Lead / Nursery Teacher
School Councillors
Learning Charters
All classes develop a learning charter at the start of the school term to promote a positive learning environment for everyone. Charters include the role of the rights holders and the duty bearers.
Teaching About rights
At Stranton Primary School, the rights of the child underpin our school values and ethos of the school. Children start the school day by talking about our school values and how these link to the rights of the child. Children are also taught about rights through weekly, themed assemblies and a weekly reflection lesson to discuss the article of the week. Articles are linked to lessons throughout the day.
Steering Group Meetings
School Councillors who are also our Rights Ambassadors attend fortnightly meetings with the RRS Lead to discuss initiatives, ideas and projects and to help support the community in Rights Respecting work.
School Mascot
This is our Rights Respecting School Mascot. We held a competition to design a mascot that would be on all displays around school. It was designed by a Year 4 pupil. It represents that all children around the world have rights.
This year we have signed up to take part in OUTRIGHT. OUTRIGHT empowers children to speak up in support of children’s rights. This year it has a huge focus on children’s and young people’s mental health. On World Mental Health Day, the school council started off the day with a whole school assembly about mental health and everyone came to school wearing something yellow.
Rights Respecting Events
June 2023
Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl attended the annual school council conference meeting at HCFE. They joined in lots of different workshops which encouraged them to become active, healthy citizens in the future.
Article 24 and Article 28.
May 2023
The whole school took part in careers day learning about different jobs that we might want to pursue in the future.
Article 28: Children have the right to an education.
February 2023
We have been campaigning to help make our school carpark a safe place. The junior Road Safety Officers worked alongside Mrs Yildirim and Peter from the council to patrol the school carpark. We issued parking tickets to the cars that were not properly parked.
Article 19: Children have the right to be safe.
December 2022
This year OUTRIGHT is about health care. A child from each year group shared what they had been learning about in assembly. Article 24 - Children have the right to be healthy.
November 2022
We have appointed two Junior Road Safety Officers in school, Moosa and Zeynep. They will promote road safety messages in school and to the wider community and hold termly competitions. School Council introduced the Junior Road Safety Officers in assembly and talked about keeping safe in the dark.
Article 19: Children have the right to be safe.
October 2022
Today we supported 'Show Racism the Red Card' in school. We had a special visitor; a local policeman and football coach to lead our whole school assembly and talk about discrimination and racism.
Article 2: All children have rights regardless of their race, religion and ability.
March 2022
We celebrated World Book Day by coming to school dressed as our favourite book characters. Article 28 – all children have the right to an education.
To help us to become Global Citizens we have taken part in the tin can challenge. Each class collected as many tin cans of food as possible and the class that collected the most won a treat for the whole class. School Council distributed the tins to people in our local community.
Class 3 enjoying their treat for collecting the most tin cans.
February 2022
The children in Early Years enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year. They made dragons and money wallets. Their favourite part was tasting Chinese food. Article 28: All children have a right to learn and go to school. Article 14: All children have a right to follow their own religion.
Our KS2 children had a great time at our Cluster Dodgeball Tournament. They were a credit to the school and showed lots of commitment and sportsmanship. Article 29 - Education should develop each child’s personality and talents to the full.
January 2022
In January we received our new school banner to show that we are now a Gold Rights Respecting School.
November 2021
Year 2 have been learning all about Ocean Pollution as part of OUTRIGHT this week. They have made posters showing how we can help to ‘Save Our Seas.' Article 24: All children have the right to a good health.
Year 4 have been discussing different ways to save energy for their OUTRIGHT topic. Article 24: All children have the right to a good health.
Norman and Julie from our local Church delivered a whole school assembly talking about Children’s Rights to promote World Children’s Day. Article 1: All children have rights.
The children in Early Years painted kindness stones to support anti-bullying week in school. Article 31: All children have a right to not to be harmed ad should be looked after and kept safe.
June 2021

May 2021


December 2020

November 2020

October 2020