Stranton Primary School

Stranton Primary School
Only the best is good enough

Welcome to Stranton's Eco Club

Our Eco Warriors are committed to developing strategies that sustain and enhance the environment

Our efforts were recognised when we were awarded the Green Flag.

Every Friday, the Eco Warriors meet to discuss ways that our school can remain 'Eco Friendly'.



School Grounds March 2020-

Year 3 made planters and planted bulb in the quad to help improve the school grounds.































October 2018


In Ecology Club we looked at the Healthy Schools topic and discussed ways in which we can stay healthy. We shared out the produce that we had grown in the school’s vegetable patches and we made our own delicious fruit kebabs.


November 2018


During the holidays, the Eco Warriors were challenged to design a mascot at home for Stranton Ecology Club using recycled materials. The winning entry will win a prize and we will make the mascot in school during Ecology Club to display in our eco area.

Our first job this term was to design out new eco code for this year.



We like to ensure our school is clean and tidy so we regularly litter pick around school.


In one of our meetings we talked about biodiversity and we made bird cakes to hang up in the secret garden.