Working with Parents
We believe in a fully inclusive approach to supporting pupils with additional needs. This means working in partnership with you as parents or carers to support your child in whatever way we can to enable your child to achieve their potential.
We follow a graduated response to need from initial conversations with the class teacher, targeted class support to more specific personalised support. This is always through discussion with you as parent/carer initially informally or through parent meetings and or reviews as part of our SEN arrangements in school. Pupil passport meetings are held with parents and carers at the beginning and end of each term.
Further details of how support is organised is explained in School SEND Information Report.
If you would like to discuss your child’s needs at any time please do not hesitate to contact Miss Sengelow who will be pleased to meet with you.
Our family support team can offer individual support and advice on many issues. Please ask Mrs Johnson for more information.
By clicking the link here this will take you straight to the Hartlepool Special Educational Needs and Disabilities homepage. Here you can also find the local offer.
Here you can find local and national services around things to do, places to go and people to talk to, all in one place! This site is aimed at children. Young people, their families and any professionals who maybe involved with them.
Telephone: 01429 284284
Hartlepool Families First exists to improve the quality of health and life for children, young people and their families through a range of social, welfare and educational measures.
The organisation's objectives, as stated in their constitution, are: "Provision of therapeutic, educational and stimulating toys and equipment, the preservation and protection of health and the relief of distress within family relationships, in particular but not exclusively by the provision of a support and advice service and the promotion of good parenting practice and skills."
Address: Hartlepool Families First, 6-7 Belle Business Park, Greatham Street, Hartlepool, TS25 1RU
Telephone: 01429 867016
The Parent Partnership Service plays a key role in promoting positive relationships between parents, schools, Local Authorities (LAs) and others. This is important in enabling children and young people with SEN to achieve their potential. Hartlepool Borough Council set up the parent partnership service in order to ensure that parents of children with SEN are fully informed and involved in their child's education. Although the parent partnership service is part of the LA, it operates independently.
The service offers parents and carers the following:
- Independent support and someone to talk to in confidence.
- An explanation of matters concerning SEN.
- Information Leaflets about special educational needs.
- Help with filling in forms and expressing views.
- Someone to attend meetings with.
- Information about local support groups and voluntary agencies.
Telephone: 01429 266522
Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5:00pm. Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm