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Subject Leader: Mr J Murray
Intent, Implementation and Impact
Our intention at Stranton Primary School/Eden Academy Trust is to ensure that PESSPA is experienced regularly in a safe and supportive environment, as it is a unique and vital contributor to a student’s physical development and well-being. PESSPA is the only subject whose primary focus is on the body, it uniquely addresses the physical development aims of the curriculum and makes a significant contribution spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of young people. Through Eden’s high quality physical education programmes, our students will become physically literate and develop the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle, and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
Stranton Primary School/Eden Academy Trust’s aims for PESSPA are for our students to:
- Participate and develop physical competency in a wide range of physical activities that provide appropriate challenge with acceptable risk.
- Build confidence and resilience to try hard and make progress across all activities, without fear of failure.
- Enjoy learning in and through the subject across the domain of physical skills, creative and thinking skills, and social, personal and leadership skills and be able to apply those skills across their wider learning and beyond school.
- Be highly motivated and understand how to plan, organise, and lead their own healthy, active lifestyles as well as influence those around them.
- Develop their physical well-being through increased stamina, strength, and suppleness, and recognise the positive impact on their emotional well-being and health from engaging in physical activity on a regular basis.
- Be involved in learning about risk management, and their responsibility in this, for them to participate independently in physical activity in later life.
All students are entitled to a progressive and comprehensive physical education programme that embraces current Statutory Orders of the national curriculum and considers individual interests and requirements.
Our curriculum will provide activities to promote a broad base of movement knowledge and skills, placing students in cooperative, collaborative and competitive situations that aim to cater for the preferences, strengths and needs of every student. We will develop their creative and expressive abilities, and provide situations where students work independently, in pairs and in groups. They will be encouraged to appreciate the importance of having a healthy body and begin to understand the factors that affect health and well-being. Our curriculum embraces the Orders of the National Curriculum 2014 and Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Guidance (England). It is inclusive, and every student has equal access irrespective of their age, gender, cultural or ethnic background.
While retaining its unique contribution to a student’s movement education, PPSSPA has considerable potential to contribute to much wider areas of learning. It is considered important for PEPPSA to be integrated into the whole school’s planning for the development of students’ literacy, numeracy, science, geography, PSHE and computing skills.
At Stranton Primary school, all learners will have had opportunities to develop their physical development and competence as well as artistic, aesthetic and linguistic understanding through movement. Through Physical Education, the children will also develop their interpersonal and problem solving skills, develop personal qualities such as self esteem, confidence, tolerance and empathy and help forge links between school and the community.