Stranton Primary School

Stranton Primary School
Only the best is good enough

PE Assessment

What is Progress in PE?

Progress in PE is all a school needs to deliver and assess PE easily. It teaches children physical literacy and the basic skills they need in order for them to participate in different sports and disciplines. Each year group has 10 statements for each area of PE (5 for Unit 6), the statements aren’t in any particular order. The 6 areas of PE can be delivered in any order, perhaps to match with the competition calendar. Ideally, one new area should be delivered each half term. Once you have delivered the 10 statements in lessons and have assessed the children, you can then allow them to show their skills by including the suggested areas or sports for application in PE lessons.


Progress in PE Statements – Assessment (Note – no assessment for Area 6)

1-3 Statements achieved = Participating

4-6 Statements achieved = Developing

7-9 Statements achieved = Potential

10 Statements achieved = Performance


The 6 Areas of PE and Suggested Areas/Sports for Application:

  1. Running and Jumping (Athletics, Races and Team Games)
  2. Throwing and Catching (Team Games, Netball, Rugby, Basketball)
  3. Balance, Agility and Co-ordination (Gymnastics)
  4. Games – Attacking and Defending, Striking and Fielding (Tennis, Football, Cricket, Rounders)
  5. Dance and Movement Patterns (Dance, Skipping)
  6. Achieving my Personal Best and Healthy, Active Lifestyles (Cross Country, Fitness Circuits)

NB* - Other Areas – Swimming (covered in Y3 and Top-up for Y6) and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities (Orienteering and Carlton OEC visits)