Stranton Primary School

Stranton Primary School
Only the best is good enough

Link to School Values


How we live this out day-to-day in our school

Feedback from others about how we embody this value

How could we live out this value even better ?


We are polite and kind to all staff and pupils.

We say please and thank you.

We look after resources and equipment around school

We follow the Golden Rules each day.

We listen when someone is talking.

We take turns.

The Golden Rules are prominent and are lived out daily in all aspects of school life.

Parents comment to staff that children talk about ‘respect’ and how this can be shown in school.

“….. was the highlight of my week coming to your school this morning.  When you enter the physical heat hits you but this is nothing compared to the emotional warmth that is everywhere…… reception is so welcoming of the families and professionals, it honestly feels like you are getting a hug from the moment you enter.”

Principal Psychologist

Further develop children’s awareness of respect within wider aspects of their life (within home/community environments) to support parents/carers.


We never give up when we find an activity hard.

We keep trying and trying until we can do it.

We accept challenges.

We say “We can’t do it yet!’ 

We always look for a positive thing we have achieved that day.

We learn from our mistakes and try to make a better choice next time.

We turn red thoughts into green thoughts.

EP acknowledge the resilient attitude pupils face when confronted with a difficult task

Visiting professionals comment on the culture of resilience embedded into school life.

“Throughout the school, there was a very flexible approach to the way children are being taught. It really is bespoke to the needs of each individual cohort. I noticed was the effort that has gone in to upskilling staff as well as bringing in external professionals as required. Teaching and support staff have been given the opportunity to take on therapeutic training which enhances the offer from the school “(PAC- UK)

Continue to build emotional resilience for vulnerable pupils through an embedded approach of in-class strategies and specific targeted support/intervention.


We always give 100% in every activity.

We try our best even when we find it hard.

We show the golden rules all day every day.


Children work hard in lessons and always try their best.

“The few minutes I spent with …. were an absolute joy, the difference I saw in him was truly amazing and the staff so skilled and clearly knowing him inside out.” EP

Raise the standard of commitment to homework to match that of school work through working jointly with children and parents/carers.


We let everyone join in our games.

We value what each person can contribute.

We know that everyone is different and this makes each of us special.

We play with people who are on their own.

We have buddies to help us feel included at school.

Visitors comment that Stranton is a welcoming school where all pupils are valued.

“During my visit, the excellent use of space was what I first noticed. There are lots of smaller areas which can be used for group work/therapies and the whole building is vibrant and inviting. Careful consideration has gone into the way in which areas can be adapted to meet the needs of those needing emotional support as well as for academic improvement. What was consistent throughout the school was the many areas in which the children are celebrated and can shine. It was evident in each classroom. “(Pac- UK)

Continue to develop play leaders/buddies to ensure each and every child feels valued and included at Stranton.


We reach for the stars in every lesson.

We know what we want to do when we grow up.

We set challenging targets and work hard to achieve them.

External moderators comment that children from EYFS to Y6 have ambitious career goals and are motivated to achieve this.

Offer further workshops to introduce children to a range of career choices to broaden children’s life goals outside of Stranton School.