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Subject Leader: Miss R Jarvis
Intent, Implementation and Impact
At Stranton Primary School, it is our intent to develop and build a history curriculum that encourages and develops learning and sits alongside children’s skills to enquire, research and analyse; consequently, this will result in the acquisition and retention of knowledge in history.
By providing children with a new, exciting and broad curriculum they will be presented with the opportunity to learn, remember and understand in greater detail than before. Following closely the framework found in the EYFS and National Curriculum we have designed a history programme of study which focuses on developing age-appropriate subject knowledge and historical skills that allow all of our learners to enquire, research and analyse, developing those critical thinking skills which are so important in history. We intend to fulfil the duties set out within the National Curriculum which states that school must provide a curriculum which promotes spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and prepares them for experiences in later life.
At Stranton Primary School, history is taught in a fortnightly block once every term on a rolling programme. We teach it in this way to deepen children’s understanding and allow for retention of knowledge.
The progression of key knowledge has been taken from the History National Curriculum and mapped out accordingly. By the end of Year 6, children at Stranton Primary School, will possess chronological understanding of: British history, including history of the Hartlepool/Teesside area as part of their local history, they will also have covered history from the Stone Age to the present day. They will be able to make comparisons and connections between different periods of time and their own lives. They will have also studied different periods of world history such as the ancient civilisations of Greece and Egyptians.
Access for teachers to the History Association and Key Stage History websites has recently been purchased and distributed to teachers to aid and inform their planning of lessons. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) follows the ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ guidance which aims for all children in reception to have an ‘Understanding of the World; people and communities, the world and technology’ by the end of the academic year.
Learners at Stranton Primary School, will continue to develop their critical and analytical thinking, allowing them to make informed and balanced judgements based upon research they have carried out and through knowledge they have gained and retained. Children will become aware of how historical events have impacted and shaped the world which we now live on. They will also have gained knowledge relating to their locality. Through the history curriculum children will have developed enquiry skills which provides them with the opportunity to probe and investigate topics that interest them. Children will have encountered highly enjoyable and impactful school visits which highlight and show the impact of history and how we live today. Children should retain prior knowledge and be able to make connections between what they have previously learned and what they are currently learning.
National Curriculum
Long Term Plan
Medium Term Plans
Year 1 and 2
Cycle A
Year 1 and 2 - Cycle A - Autumn Term
Year 1 and 2 - Cycle A - Spring Term
Year 1 and 2 - Cycle A - Summer Term
Year 1 and 2 Cycle B - Autumn Term
Year 3 and 4
Year 3 and 4 - Cycle A - Autumn Term
Year 3 and 4 - Cycle A - Spring Term
Year 3 and 4 - Cycle A - Summer Term
Year 3 and 4 Cycle B- Autumn Term
Year 5 and 6
Year 5 and 6 - Cycle A - Autumn Term
Year 5 and 6 - Cycle A - Spring Term
Year 5 and 6 - Cycle A - Summer Term
Year 5 and 6 Cycle B- Autumn Term
Road Maps
Year 1 and 2
Year 1 and 2 Road Map - Autumn Term
Year 1 and 2 Road Map - Spring Term
Year 1 and 2 Road Map - Summer Term
Year 1 and 2 Road Map - Autumn Term B
Year 3 and 4
Year 3 and 4 Road Map - Autumn Term
Year 3 and 4 Road Map - Spring Term
Year 3 and 4 Road Map - Summer Term
Year 3 and 4 Road Map - Autumn Term B
Year 5 and 6
Year 5 and 6 Road Map - Autumn Term
Year 5 and 6 Road Map - Spring Term
Year 5 and 6 Road Map - Summer Term
Year 5 and 6 Road Map - Autumn Term B