Stranton Primary School

Stranton Primary School
Only the best is good enough

Developing Aspirations 

2019-20 Careers Day

In November, we held our second annual 'Careers Day' across school. Like last year, the day was another huge success, with the children taking part in a variety of exciting sessions including acro classes, engineering, hair and beauty, tourism, website design and midwifery. We also welcomed Gary Philipson from BBC Tees as well as visitors from The University of Teesside, the Police and the Paramedic service whist some of the children in KS2 visited the College of Further Education to learn about the courses they could take after secondary school.  


2018-19 Careers Day

During our recent careers day, our children from Nursery to Year 6 were given the chance to learn about and explore a range of careers at our first ever careers day. This was an exciting opportunity to create links between the classroom and the workplace and build aspirations for our children. The day was a tremendous success, with our guest of honour Graeme Storm kicking it off by sharing his journey to success. Over the course of the day, the children took part in a variety of exciting sessions and we welcomed visitors including a professional dancer, mechanical engineers, hair and beauty therapists, flight attendants, a lifeguard, an equine dentist, fire officers and the police who all inspired our children to aim high. Some of the younger children even got to use a fire hose from a fire engine and start the siren of a police car and our Year 6 children enjoyed a visit to the local sixth form college to learn about the courses they could take once they leave secondary school. 


We very much hope the day has helped our children realise that anything is possible when you believe in yourself and are prepared to work hard to get there. A huge thank you to our visitors for delivering such inspiring sessions, to Mr Smith for organising the event and all of the staff for supporting such a brilliant day. 


In December, the children in Year 4, were lucky enough to receive a skype call from the very talented author of the book 'A Place Called Perfect' - Helena Duggan. All the way from Kilkenny, Ireland, Helena read the children a chapter of her book to the children, which is currently the novel they are reading at the moment. She also talked about her life growing up and where the ideas for the story came from. The session ended with an opportunity for the children to ask any questions. The children were so inspired by meeting a real author - it was a fantastic opportunity to show our children what they could achieve in the future.