Stranton Primary School

Stranton Primary School
Only the best is good enough


In Art we create using our imagination, skills and emotions. We give meaning to creations.


The teaching of Art and Design in Stranton Primary School fits in with our rationale and aims for our whole school curriculum:

They include ensuring that the curriculum:

  • Has the needs of the children at the heart of everything we do
  • Is based on a strong foundation of oracy
  • Meets the needs of our local community
  • Is full of exciting, enriching and enjoyable learning experiences
  • Provides opportunities for our children, staff and parents to all learn together.
  • Positively improves academic outcomes
  • Prepares our children to become positive role models in and effective contributors to Society
  • Gives our pupils the chance to become the very best versions of themselves.

Or in short, a curriculum which provides only the very best education, opportunities and experiences for all of our pupils.

Vision for Art

The aim of Art teaching, here at Stranton Primary School is to give pupils the skills, concepts and knowledge for them to express their ideas and creative/artistic flair in a visual or tactile form.

We aim:

  • To enable all children to have access to a varied range of high quality art experiences
  • To provide an imaginative, innovative and coordinated art programme which will foster enthusiasm for art and design amongst all the children
  • To foster an enjoyment and appreciation of the visual arts and a knowledge of artists, craftspeople and designers, through links with the local and wider multicultural community.
  • To stimulate children’s creativity and imagination by providing visual, tactile and sensory experience
  • To help children explore the world at first hand, using all their senses and experimentation, and so gain knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live
  • To develop children’s understanding of colour, form, texture, pattern and their ability to use materials and processes to communicate ideas, feelings and meanings
  • To inspire confidence, value and pleasure in art
  • To cultivate children’s aesthetic awareness and enable them to make informed judgements about art and become actively involved in shaping environments
  • To teach children to express their own ideas, feelings, thoughts and experiences
  • To develop children’s design capability
  • To enhance children’s ability to value the contribution made by artists, craft workers and designers and respond critically and imaginatively to ideas, images and objects.

    Curriculum End points

    By the end of Key Stage 1 we want ALL children:

    • to use a range of materials creatively to design and make products
    • to use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination
    • to develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space
    • about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work.

    By the end of Key Stage 2 we want ALL children:

    • to be taught to develop their techniques, including their control and their use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design.
    • To use a wide range of materials and a variety of techniques such as batik, tie dye and printing.

    Pupils should be taught:

    • to create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas
    • to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials [for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay]
    • about great artists, architects and designers in history.

Teaching of Art

Projects have been planned to allow for Art and Design Technology skills, knowledge, and vocabulary to be weaved together. Projects have specific Art and Design and/or Design Technology outcomes; however, key drawing and painting skills are taught as part of most projects allowing key knowledge and skills to be reassessed regularly. Sketch books are used to develop key drawing and painting skills alongside other areas of art that are specific to the project; teaching children an array of skills they can use to represent their ideas; whilst gaining an understanding of famous artists and their works.

Objectives are progressive and sequential; with key knowledge and skills highlighted and revisited throughout every project. As key knowledge and skills are sequential, pupils revisit objectives from previous years to build on their knowledge and skills in their current year group.

The school uses a variety of teaching and learning styles in art lessons. Our principal aim is to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in art. We use a variety of teaching and learning approaches in our art lessons to do this, including:

  • We ensure that the act of investigating and making includes exploring and developing ideas, evaluating and developing work.
  • We use a mixture of direct teaching and individual/ group activities.
  • Teachers draw attention to good examples of individual performance as models for the other children.
  • They encourage children to evaluate their own ideas and methods, and the work of others, to say what they think and feel about them.
  • We give children the opportunity within lessons to work on their own and collaborate with others, on projects in two and three dimensions and on different scales.
  • Children also have the opportunity to use a wide range of materials and resources including other artists’ work, educational visits and computing.

We recognise the fact that we have children of differing ability in all our classes, and so we provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child. We achieve this through a range of strategies which are differentiated by task, expected outcome and/or support from peers or adults.

Recording of Art

Children’s artwork will be recorded in a number of ways at Stranton School:

  • Children will maintain a sketch book which will follow the children right through School – demonstrating the progression the children make in their skills. Children will produce a ‘Sketch Page’ to showcase their learning, explorations and outcomes from each project.
  • End of unit exhibitions will also be used for children to showcase their learning to parents, pupils, staff, governors.
  • Art  outcomes will be showcased across school with work exhibited on displays or in the school art gallery.

Assessment of Art

In order to assess the children’s knowledge in Art, staff will informally measure children’s work against key knowledge and key skills for Aged Related Expectations – ensuring all children have the opportunity to develop the appropriate key skills and key knowledge expected of them. Throughout a unit, teachers will track the children’s progress against what has been taught to allow them to identify gaps in learning. This will enable misconceptions or knowledge which hasn’t been retained to be addressed in the ‘revisit’ section of future lessons. At the end of each term, teachers will give an overall judgement of each child, recording attainment on the school’s curriculum tracking sheet. This judgement will be based on evidence from children’s book, end of unit assessments and performance in class.  Teachers will also conduct observational assessments of children during lessons and assess verbal responses from children in line with our oracy framework.

Monitoring of Art

Monitoring will take place regularly through sampling children’s work, learning walks, lesson reviews and importantly talking to the children – ensuring they enjoy each subject and can recall key knowledge and skills of what they have been taught.

Art Curriculum Overview


Art Objectives by Year Group